Hello and welcome to our class page. We have made a fantastic start to the school year and are enjoying the new challenges that we are facing in Year 7. We are continuing to work extremely hard and consolidate our knowledge in all curricular areas whilst accepting new challenges with positivity and determination.
Remember to keep working hard at home to consolidate prior learning. Please practice tables, spellings and reading every night. We are lucky to have Accelerated Reader in school in school so keep reading and quizzing regularly to work towards becoming a Word Millionaire!
We’ve a busy and exciting year ahead so keep an eye on our page to keep updated with our learning journey. You can also keep up to date with our class Seesaw account or alternatively Miss Graham’s Twitter page, MissGraham_26
Nightly homework includes: Spelling, Reading, Times Tables and New Wave Scheme.
Monday- Literacy
Tuesday- Numeracy (Number)
Thursday- Numeracy (Topic)