The teachers in Year Five are Mrs Stuart (Year Band Leader) Mrs Diamond, Miss Quigg and Miss Stewart.
Welcome to our Year 5 page. We hope you enjoy looking at all our hard work and creativity!
We are all busy classes out here in the mobiles. We have all settled really well into the new routines in school. We line up in the school pitches at 8.45am ready to begin the day ahead. Throughout the day we are mindful of keeping ourselves and others safe through regular hand washing and sanitising.
Homework is sent out at the beginning of the week via a Book Creator on Seesaw which includes links to apps and games to help our learning.
Reading: This year we are using digital texts and traditional texts to do our reading. Reading is completed at home using the Oxford Owl website ( In class we are also doing Accelerated Reading where we aim to create multiple word millionaires!
Writing: Throughout Year 5 we will be covering a range of grammar topics including Vibrant Verbs and Amazing Adjectives. We are also working really hard to improve our independent writing skills and will be covering a range of writing genres including recount and narrative.
In Year 5 we will be learning a range of mental strategies which will help us to calculate in the four mathematical processes. We will also develop our understanding and knowledge in our topic work including shape and space and data handling. We will also develop our understanding through practical activities and mathematical challenges. In Year 5 we also use Accelerated Maths to help us to improve our mathematical ability and problem solving skills.
Emotional Well Being
This year there will be a major focus on promoting positive emotional well being. We use a range of strategies and activities on a daily basis including our daily mile, breathing and meditation and discussion about our feelings and worries.
World Around Us
In Year 5 we cover three topics - The Vikings, Up Up and Away and The Egyptians. We use a range of apps, websites and books to carry out independent and group research. We also carry out practical activities to develop our STEM skills. We showcase our learning and understanding through individually produced Book Creators which collates Puppet Pals animation and Quiver videos.
In Year 5 we receive coaching. On P.E days your child should come to school wearing their P.E gear: white polo shirt, navy tracksuit bottoms, school jumper/school zip up and trainers.
Regular information is posted on Seesaw so please ensure that you are signed up to it and check it daily.