Welcome to Year One
We are enjoying being back in Year 1!
We are looking forward to another fun filled term with lots of exciting learning opportunities.
Each week we read a different big book - they are lots of fun.
Key Words
It is important to read with your child each night, this will increase their vocabulary, fluency and comprehension skills. Ask questions along the way.
We will be starting our Oxford Reading Tree Storybooks. These will be on your child’s Seesaw journal.
We follow the Linguistic Phonics scheme and are currently learning our S A T P I N initial sounds.
This year we will be learning numbers to 20.
We also look at 2D and 3D shapes, measuring length, capacity and weight as well as using rhymes and songs to learn to count.
Structured play is a big part of our day - a lot of what we learn is through play. We also enjoy taking our learning outdoors using our outdoor play area which is filled with lots of equipment and the school garden.
PE uniform may be worn into school on the day your child has PE.
Homework will follow the same format each week.
All homework will be distributed via Seesaw and it is very important to discuss this with your child to reinforce their learning. All homework topics are taught in school before being sent home.
Are you signed up to seesaw?
Remember to use seesaw to view your child's learning journal.
Our Year One teachers are: Mrs O’Keefe, Ms McCabe, Miss Collins and Mrs McClean.