Welcome to Miss Lynch's class web page.
We are becoming very independent in Primary 2. We are able to come into school and self register before changing our shared reading books and organising ourselves for our busy day.
In our class we are always very busy learning new things and having lots of fun along the way. We hope you enjoy visiting our class page.
Our topics for the year are 'Hey! Hey! Look at Me!', 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star', 'Once Upon a Time', 'Growth in Spring' and 'Splish! Splash! Splish!'.
In literacy, we are enjoying our weekly big books and are working hard on our letter formation making sure tall letters are tall and small letters are small. Remember to use handwriting videos on Seesaw every week to ensure correct letter formation.
In P2 we are mad for Maths! This year we will be consolidating numbers to 20 but also recognising numbers to 100. We will learn all about odd and even numbers, O'Clock times, 2D and 3D shapes, measuring length, capacity and weight as well as using rhymes and songs to learn to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. Remember to complete maths challenges at home!
Structured play is a big part of our day and we enjoy exploring the different learning areas. We also enjoy taking our Learning outdoors using our new Outdoor Area and the Garden.
We currently have Fundamentals on a Wednesday morning. Make sure each item of your PE kit is labelled before bringing it into school.
We hope you enjoy looking at our class photos.
Remember to use seesaw to view your child's learning journal.