Houses and Homes
Weather Watchers
On an adventure
Each week we read a different big book - and complete lots of activities around them.
We are working hard on independent writing and answering questions from comprehensions.
Grammar- we have been learning all about nouns, verbs and adjectives and how to use them in our independent writing.
Spellings - They are completed each night with a different sound to focus on each week.
It is important to read with your child each night, this will increase their vocabulary, fluency and comprehension skills. Ask questions along the way. Please ensure your child reads a variety of material - their reading book and their Bug Club book.
We have 2 reading books each week.
Year 3 continue to follow the Linguistic Phonics programme through spellings.
This year we will be consolidating our work on numbers to 100.
Other learning will include odd and even numbers, digital and analogue times, 2D and 3D shapes, measuring length, capacity and weight. We focus on our mental maths skills in year 3. Remember to do mental maths strategies each night. We have focused on counting backwards and forwards to 100, adding and taking away 10 and talking about a number.
Activity Based Learning
This takes pace 3 times a week. During this time, we consolidate our learning and explore our World Around Us topic. We also enjoy taking our learning outdoors using our outdoor play area which is filled with lots of equipment and the school garden.
Make sure each item of your PE kit is labelled before bringing it into school.
Homework will follow the same format each week.
Always TALK to your child about what they are doing in school - this is the best form of home learning you can do. Talk, listen and join in where you can.
Monday and Wednesday - Mental Maths
Tuesday Grammar
Thursday - reading activity
Are you signed up to seesaw?
Remember to use seesaw to view your child's learning journal