Nightly Homework
Spelling, Reading, Times Tables and New Wave Mental Maths.
Monday - Literacy
Tuesday - Numeracy - Number
Wednesday - Literacy
Thursday - Numeracy - Topic
Creatvie Writing Genres
Autumn 1 - Persuasive
Autumn 2 - Report
Spring 1 - Playscript
Spring 2 - Narrative
Summer - Explanation
There will be a focus on a different topic in grammar each week, including parts of speech, speech marks, punctuation etc.
Numeracy lessons are made up of mental maths, number lessons, topic lessons and problem solving lessons. Homework reflects the work being done in class that week. We start each lesson at our Maths Working Wall.
WAU Themes
Unsinkable - includes trip to Titanic Belfast
Back to the Future
Natural Disasters
Monday 11.10am £2.50
Term 1 for 6 weeks - will return in future terms.
Accelerated Reading
Pupils should read their AR book daily, at home and in school. They take the AR test in school and results are monitored every Friday.
Accelerated Maths
AM has recently been introduced. Similiar to AR , tests are completed in school and progress is monitored.