Autumn 1
Creative Writing
This term in Creative Writing we have been learning to write Historical Stories. We have based our stories on the legend of "Finn MacCool and the Scottish Giant" but from the Scottish Giant's perspective. We have been studying the structure of stories and describing the characters and settings. We have been using the SALT method in class to make sure our writing is exciting!
In Grammar this half term we have been focusing on verbs (including past tense verbs), nouns (including proper nouns) and adjectives. The adjectives work has been a great help when writing our historical stories.
So far this year we have studied a range of fiction and non-fiction texts. We are making sure we are using our inference skills to answer questions about the texts. We are also practicing our comprehension skills during guided reading sessions and accelerated reading.
Class Novel
This term our class novel is "Danny Champion of the World." We have been learning about the life of Roald Dahl which has been extra special as it was his 100th birthday. We have been exploring the characters in the novel, the setting and the events that take place.
Autumn Two
Creative Writing
This half term we have been learning about persuasive writing. We have been focusing on the purpose of persuasive texts, the language used and the structure. For our final piece we have combined our learning of Irish landmarks from our World Around Us Topic, "On Our Doorstep" to create travel guides persuading tourists to visit Ireland.
In grammar we have been focusing on speech marks, changing singular nouns into plural nouns, recognising and using adverbs and different types of homophones.