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Literacy hour is a key part of our day. Throughout the week we take part in grammar, comprehension, writing, spelling and reading activities.



We take part in a focused grammar lesson once per week. We have been learning how to recognise and use nouns verbs and adjectives in our writing. We have created posters displaying our understanding of nouns verbs and adjectives. 


We take part in various guided and shared reading sessions throughout the week. We discuss these texts and participate in various comprehension activities including hot seating. We love to use our iPads to complete our Oxford Reading Tree comprehension activities. We use the book creator app to recreate the story, add alternative endings and create character profiles.


This year, we will be studying five different writing genres. We study each genre for six weeks and at the end of this six week cycle the children will be able to create, draft and edit an independent piece of writing.


Our first writing genre was instructional writing. We created instructions for making a milkshake, building a kite and making a gingerbread man. We made sure to use time connectives in our writing and pictures to go with the instructions. 




Non chronological report writing!

Our final report was a report on a farm animal of our choice. We independenly researched information on our chosen animal!

Our animal reports!

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Using Wordfoto app to create a character profile
