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Independent Individuals

Each day we are increasing our sense of independence.  We are able to come into school and begin our morning routine with our self registration before getting started on our whiteboard tasks and ready for our busy day. 



Hey! Hey! Look at Me!

Twinkle Twinkle 

Once Upon a Time

Let’s Get Growing

Splish! Splash! Splosh!



Each week we read a different big book - they are lots of fun. 


We are working hard on our letter formation - making sure tall letters and small letters are formed correctly. 


Key Words - Make sure you work on key words at home with your child.



It is important to read with your child each night, this will increase their vocabulary, fluency and comprehension skills. Ask questions along the way. Please ensure your child reads a variety of material - their guided reading book and shared reading books and library books.



Year 2 continue to follow the Linguistic Phonics programme.



This year we will be consolidating our work on numbers to 20 but also recognising numbers to 100. 


Other learning will include odd and even numbers, O'Clock times, 2D and 3D shapes, measuring length, capacity and weight as well as using rhymes and songs to learn to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. Remember to complete maths challenges at home! Listen to your children singing rhymes and songs and help them with the skip counting.



Structured play is a big part of our day - a lot of what we learn is through play. We also enjoy taking our learning outdoors, using our outdoor play area, which is filled with lots of equipment and the school garden.



Children should come to school in their full P.E gear. We have access to great coaches from St Paul’s GAC and Sonal Sports along with our CoreNI lessons.



Homework will follow the same format each week.

Always TALK to your child about what they are doing in school - this is the best form of home learning you can do. Talk, listen and join in where you can.



Are you signed up to seesaw?

Remember to use seesaw to view your child's learning journal. 
